Ὁ Ποῦτιν ἔδωσε ἐντολὴ γιὰ ἐπέκταση τοῦ προγράμματος μητρότητος, γιὰ δεύτερο παιδὶ κι ἐπάνω, ἔως τὸ 2018.
Ὑπολογίζεται ὅτι...
θὰ κοστίση 800.000.000 ῥούβλια/ 75 ῥούβλια ἀνὰ δολλάριο, ποὺ εἶναι σήμερα ἡ τιμή του.
(Βαριέμαι νὰ κάνω τὴν πράξη)
Παπανικολάου Σωτήρης
Additionally, the program of the parent capital until 2018 will be allocated from the budget more than 800 billion rubles. But the fact that it is justified is proven in dry statistics. Olga Batalina, the Deputy Head of the State Duma Committee on Labor, Social Policy and Veterans’ Affairs, said: “We have two years in a row of sustainable growth. It’s two years for the first time in more than 20 years of the modern history of Russia!”.
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