Πέμπτη 14 Ιανουαρίου 2016

Τι λέει η πρώην σύζυγος για τον σατανιστή David Bowie

Τελειώσαμε με τα δάκρυα για τον σατανιστή David Bowie; Ο Θεός να τον συγχωρέσει, είναι δική του δουλειά, αλλά δική μου δουλειά επίσης είναι να εκφράσω την αηδία μου με τα μίντια και την προβολή που του έδωσαν

Κατακλυσμός! Κλάμα και οδυρμός για τον θάνατο του ροκ σταρ που ήταν σύμβολο του σατανισμού. Καθαρόαιμο αστέρι από αυτά που αναδεικνύει...
η σιωνιστική σόου μπιζ στην προσπάθεια διαφθοράς ηθών και ψυχών των νέων.
Το κύκνειο άσμα του “Blackstar” δεν είναι τίποτα περισσότερο από μια ωδή στον σατανά. Δυστυχώς, έχει μεγάλη πέραση στις μέρες μας, προωθείται με τα χίλια!
Το τραγούδι απλά, δεν ακούγεται! Και μπορώ να το δηλώσω χωρίς φόβο γιατί θα πάω κόντρα στο “ρεύμα”. Το ρεύμα μπάζει από παντού…

Θα μπορούσα να γράψω πολλά για το όργανο, αλλά για να είμαι ειλικρινής δεν έχω και μεγάλη διάθεση να βρομίσω το ιστολόγιο μου.

Απλά παραθέτω ένα απόσπασμα από το βιβλίο της πρώην συζύγου του, μετά την περιγραφή:
“Angela Bowie has produced this scandalous, sexy, and uncompromising memoir of her turbulent years with David. She recounts how she launched him from cult hero to superstar and managed his career. Angela witnessed and shared it all the bisexual orgies; David; decline at the hands of satanic cults and cocaine; and the lives and loves of Mick, Elton, Marianne, Iggy, Rod and Lou to name a few.”
….That was a beautiful Art Deco house on six acres, an exquisite site property and a terrific value at just $300,000, but he took one look at a detail I hadn’t noticed, a hexagram painted on the floor of a circular room by the previous owner, Gypsy Rose Lee.
A great deal of codling and reassurance got us through that crisis, and I went and found the Doheny Drive house. Built in the late Fifties or early Sixties, it was a white cube surrounding an indoor swimming pool. David liked the place, but I thought it was too small to meet our needs for very long, and I wasn’t crazy about the pool. In my experience, indoor pools are always a problem.
This one was no exception, albeit not in any of the usual ways. Its drawback was one I hadn’t encountered before and haven’t seen or heard of since: Satan lived in it. With his own eyes, David said, he’d seen HIM rising up out of the water one night.
Back to Walli Elmlark I went, this time with a tall order. David wanted an exorcism.
A Greek Orthodox Church, in LA would have done it for us (there was a priest available for such a service, the people had told me) but David wouldn’t have it. No strangers allowed, he said. So there we stood, with just Walli’s instructions and a few hundred dollars’ worth of books, talismans, and assorted items from Hollywood’s comprehensive selection of fine occult emporia.
There he (David Bowie) was, then, primed and ready. The proper books and doodads were arranged on a big old-fashioned lectern. The incantation began, and although I had no idea what was being said or what language it was being said in, I couldn’t stop a weird cold feeling rising up in me as David droned on and on.
There’s no easy or elegant way to say this, so I’ll just say it straight. At a certain point in the ritual, the pool began to bubble. It bubbled vigorously (perhaps “thrashed” is a better term) in a manner inconsistent with any explanation involving air filters or the like.
As David watched this happening in absolute terror, I tried to be flippant – “Well, dear, aren’t you clever? It seems to be working. Something’s making a move, don’t you think?” – but I couldn’t keep it up. It was very, very strange; even after my recent experiences I was having trouble accepting what my eyes were seeing.
We both left the pool in a hurry and David told me to check up on the pool from time to time. I kept my eye on it for the next forty minutes of so, and nothing unusual happened, and so with my heart in my mouth, I slid one of the glass doors open and, ignoring David’s panicked screams, went to the edge (of the pool) and looked in.
I saw what I saw. Nothing can change that. On the bottom of the pool was a large shadow, or stain, which had not been there before the ritual began. It was in the shape of a beast of the underworld; it reminded me of those twisted, tormented gargoyles screaming silently from the spires of medieval cathedrals. It was ugly, shocking, malevolent; it frightened me.
I backed away from it feeling very strange, went through the doorway, and told David what I’d seen, trying to be nonchalant but not doing very well. He turned white but eventually became revived enough to spend the rest of the night doing coke. He wouldn’t go near the pool, though.
I still don’t know what to think about that night. It runs directly counter to my pragmatism and my everyday faith in the integrity of the “normal” world, and it confuses me greatly. What troubles me the most is that if you were to call that stain the mark of Satan, I don’t see how I could argue with you.
David, of course, insisted that we move from the house as quickly as possible, and we did that, but I’ve heard from reliable sources (Michael Lipman for one, the property’s real estate agent) that subsequent tenants haven’t been able to remove the shadow. Even though the pool has been painted over a number of times, the shadow has always come back!
Τα παπαγαλάκια των μίντια είχαν γραμμή να γράφουν πρωτοσέλιδα και να παίζουν την είδηση όλη μέρα στα κανάλια και ραδιόφωνα.

Στο τραγούδι του 1971 Quicksand, Bowie λέει:
“I’m closer to the Golden Dawn
Immersed in Crowley’s uniform of imagery”
Golden Dawn = Χρυσή Αυγή (κι ας προβληματιστούν κάποιοι) είναι το μυστικό τάγμα στο οποίο ανήκε και ο σατανιστής – αποκρυφιστής Crowly.

Δεν τα έχω με τον Bowie, μπορώ να πω ότι κι από μια άποψη τον λυπάμαι, ειλικρινά. Τα έχω με όλα τα παπαγαλάκια, που δεν βρέθηκε ΟΎΤΕ ΈΝΑΣ από αυτούς, να πει: Για δυο λεπτά, πως κάνετε έτσι; 

Αυτός ήταν έτσι κι έτσι στην πραγματικότητα. Συμμετείχαν όλοι τους στη σιωνιστική προπαγάνδα, την αναμασημένη και ξερασμένη!


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